2nd International Meeting on Foundation Models – IMFM2024

“IMFM 2024, Foundation Models – From Theory to Applications”

  • Language – Large Language Models
  • Vision – Large Vision Models
  • Vision and Language
  • Beyond Vision and Language
  • Multimodal Foundation Models

LOD 2024 / IMFM 2024 Keynote Speakers:

  • Vivek Natarajan, Google Health AI, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
    How LLMs might accelerate biomedical discovery and help scale world class healthcare to everyone
  • Michal Valko, Google DeepMind Paris, INRIA & École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, France
    Fine Tuning Large Language Models & Gemini

Important Dates

  • Workshop paper submission deadline: June 30.
  • Workshop paper acceptance decision to authors: by July 15
  • Camera Ready Submission Deadline: by July 23
  • All workshop papers must be submitted using EasyChair.
  • Workshop dates: September 22-25, 2024

All accepted papers  will be published in a volume of the series on Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) from Springer – Nature after the  conference (Conference Post-Proceedings).

The call for papers (CfP) for the LOD 2024 workshop on “Foundation Models” is the same CfP used for the entire LOD 2024 conference.

Organizers and Chairs:

Giuseppe Nicosia, University of Catania, Italy (giuseppe.nicosia.1@gmail.com)

Sven Giesselbach, Fraunhofer Institute – IAIS, Germany ( sven.giesselbach@gmail.com )


Previous meeting, IMFM 2023 @ LOD 2023:

“International Meeting on Foundation Models (IMFM) 2023:  Foundation Models – From Theory to Industrial Applications”

The Wordsword Hotel & SPA – Grasmere – Lake District, England 

Lecture Hall: Coleridge Suite

September 23-25, 2023

Organizer and Chair: Giuseppe Nicosia, University of Catania, Italy (giuseppe.nicosia.1@gmail.com)