Best Paper Award

LOD Best Paper Award

Springer sponsors the LOD 2024 Best Paper Award with a cash prize of 1.000 Euro.

“Deep Gaussian mixture model for unsupervised image segmentation”

Matthias Schwab1, Markus Haltmeier2  and  Agnes Mayr1

1Austria Medical University of Innsbruck, 2Austria and University of Innsbruck, Austria

Past Awards

  • LOD 2023: 
    • “Improving Reinforcement Learning Efficiency with Auxiliary Tasks in Non-Visual Environments: A Comparison”
      Moritz Lange1, Noah Krystiniak1, Raphael C. Engelhardt2, Wolfgang Konen2 and Laurenz Wiskott1
      1 Institute for Neural Computation, Faculty of Computer Science, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
      2 Cologne Institute of Computer Science, TH Köln, Gummersbach, Germany
  • LOD 2022:
    • LOD 2022 Best Paper Award
      “Multi-Omic Data Integration and Feature Selection for Survival-based Patient Stratification via Supervised Concrete Autoencoders”
      Pedro Henrique da Costa Avelar1, Roman Laddach2, Sophia Karagiannis2, Min Wu3 and Sophia Tsoka1
      1 Department of Informatics, Faculty of Natural, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences, King’s College London, UK
      2 St John’s Institute of Dermatology, School of Basic and Medical Biosciences, King’s College London, UK
      3 Machine Intellection Department, Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore
    • LOD 2022 Special Mentions

      • “A Two-Country Study of Default Risk Prediction using Bayesian Machine-Learning”
        Fabio Incerti1, Falco Joannes Bargagli-Stoffi2 and Massimo Riccaboni1
        1 IMT School for Advanced Studies of Lucca, Italy
        2 Harvard University, USA
      • “Helping the Oracle: Vector Sign Constraints in Model Shrinkage Methodologies”
        Ana Boskovic1  and Marco Gross2
        1 ETH Zurich, Switzerland
        2 International Monetary Fund, USA
      • “Parallel Bayesian Optimization of Agent-based Transportation Simulation”
        Kiran Chhatre1,2, Sidney Feygin3, Colin Sheppard1 and Rashid Waraich1
        1 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
        2 KTH Royal Institute of Technolgy, Sweden
        3 Marain Inc., Palo Alto,  USA
      • “Source Attribution and Leak Quantification for Methane Emissions”
        Mirco Milletarì1, Sara Malvar2, Yagna Oruganti3, Leonardo Nunes2, Yazeed Alaudah3 and Anirudh Badam3
        1 Microsoft, Singapore
        2 Microsoft, Brazil
        3 Microsoft, USA
  • LOD 2021:
    • LOD 2021 Best Paper
      “An Integrated Approach to Produce Robust Deep Neural Network Models with High Efficiency”
      Zhijian Li1, Bao Wang2, Jack Xin1
      1 University of California, Irvine, USA
      2 The University of Utah, USA
    • LOD 2021 Special Mentions:
      • “Statistical Estimation of Quantization for Probability Distributions: Best Equivariant Estimator of Principal Points”
        Shun Matsuura1, Hiroshi Kurata2
        1 Keio University, Japan
        2 The University of Tokyo, Japan
      • “Neural Weighted A*: Learning Graph Costs and Heuristics with Differentiable Anytime A*”
        Alberto Archetti, Marco Cannici and Matteo Matteucci Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    • LOD 2021 Best Talk:
      • “Go to Youtube and Call me in the Morning: use of Social Media for Chronic condition”
        Rema Padman1, Xiao Liu2, Anjana Susarla3 and Bin Zhang4
        1 Carnegie Mellon University, USA
        2 Arizona State University, USA
        3 Michigan State University, USA
        4 University of Arizona, USA
  • LOD 2020:
    • LOD 2020 Best Paper
      “Quantifying Local Energy Demand through Pollution Analysis”
      Cole Smith 1, Andrii Dobroshynskyi 1, and Suzanne McIntosh 1,2
      1 Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA
      2 Center for Data Science, New York University, USA
    • LOD 2020 Special Mention:
      • “Sparsity Meets Robustness: Channel Pruning for the Feynman-Kac Formalism Principled Robust Deep Neural Nets”
        Thu Dinh, Bao Wang, Andrea Bertozzi, Stanley Osher and Jack Xin,
        University of California, Irvine – University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
      • “State Representation Learning from Demonstration”
        Astrid Merckling, Alexandre Coninx, Loic Cressot, Stéphane Doncieux and Nicolas Perrin,
        Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
      • “Sparse Perturbations for Improved Convergence in SZO Optimization”
        Mayumi Ohta, Nathaniel Berger, Artem Sokolov and Stefan Riezler, Heidelberg University, Germany
    • LOD 2020 Best Talks:
      • “A fast and efficient smoothing approach to LASSO regression and an application in statistical genetics: polygenic risk scores for Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)”
        Georg Hahn, Sharon Marie Lutz, Nilanjana Laha and Christoph Lange,
        Department of Biostatistics, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA
      • “Gravitational Forecast Reconciliation”
        Carla Freitas Silveira, Mohsen Bahrami, Vinicius Brei, Burcin Bozkaya, Selim Balcsoy, Alex “Sandy” Pentland, University of Bologna,Italy – MIT Media Laboratory, USA – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil and MIT Media Laboratory, USA – New College of Florida, USA and Sabanci University, Turkey – Sabanci University, Turkey – Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT Media Laboratory, USA
      • “From Business Curated Products to Algorithmically Generated”
        Vera Kalinichenko and Garima Garg, University of California, Los Angeles – UCLA, USA and FabFitFun, USA
  • LOD 2019:
    “Deep Neural Network Ensembles”
    Sean Tao
    Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • LOD 2018:
    “Calibrating the Classifier: Siamese Neural Network Architecture for End-to-End Arousal Recognition from ECG”
    Andrea Patanè* and Marta Kwiatkowska*
    *Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK
  • MOD 2017:
    “Recipes for Translating Big Data Machine Reading to Executable Cellular Signaling Models”
    Khaled Sayed*, Cheryl Telmer**, Adam Butchy* & Natasa Miskov-Zivanov**
    *University of Pittsburgh, USA  **Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • MOD 2016:
    “Machine Learning: Multi-site Evidence-based Best Practice Discovery”
    Eva Lee*, Yuanbo Wang and Matthew Hagen
    *Professor Director, Center for Operations Research in Medicine and HealthCare H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
  • MOD 2015:
    “Learning with Discrete Least Squares on Multivariate Polynomial Spaces using Evaluations at Random or Low-Discrepancy Point Sets”
    Giovanni Migliorati
    Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland